Psychologist Salary 2017

The average (mean) Psychologist full time annual salary in the UK is £42,022 for part time employees this drops to a mean of £26,194.

For women the mean full time salary is £41,530 and there is insufficient data for men.

This is calculated on the basis of different levels of Psychologist jobs in the UK and is based on the provisional ONS dataset (Occupation (4 digit SOC) – ASHE: Table 14) which was released on 26 October 2016.

Usually, the starting salary is around £17,000-£18,000 for an entry level, graduate or junior psychologist .However, this salary scale can be around £50,000 – £64,000 for a senior psychologist . For more accurate information on psychologist salaries, please simple make a job search; as the job posts in the UK usually state the salaries.

Besides, the salaries can be considerably higher and vary a lot in cities like London, Brighton, Birmingham, Manchester, Edinburgh. It is also a fact that your salary will depend whether you are a clinical, forensic, child, counselling, criminal, sports, occupational, health or educational psychologist.